Setting The Bar

A few weeks ago, Anna Hazare had most of the Indians talking about him. Some of us even took the time to partake in the protests in Delhi. One fine evening, I was stuck in heavy traffic jam caused by one such protest. I realized that the people of India were feeling zealous about this ongoing anti-corruption movement. But then, my thoughts returned to a lady I met at The Park Hotel. I was waiting for a friend to join me so we could discuss his brand new business idea when this lady began talking to me. She was dressed well, wearing stylish high heels and looking her best. Yes, she was waiting for a man to give her company… perhaps her second serious relationship at the age of 30-something. They were going to the march for a date! I looked at the people walking on the side of the road, and realized that somewhere in that crowd were two people who came on a date and not a protest.

We are rapidly turning into a country of pseudo-elites. We think it’s cool to partake in anti-corruption protests, but we do it without reading about the matter at hand. We follow the crowds, hold her champagne and wine glasses, and pretend that talking about social issues will change the scenario. Most of us don’t feel personally hurt or injured by acts of corruption, and hence fail to realize the seriousness of it all. For us, it’s bribing a traffic police officer or a parking guy, and it barely hurts our pockets…

How many of us took the time to actually carry on the protests? How many of us thought of it as more than a cool march to go to, or an interesting newspaper article to read? We are falling in the eyes of the Universe, for to live is to feel.. not just for oneself, but for one’s world and one’s people. We are the high society of India… the people that street kids want to imitate. We are setting the bar lower once again…

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