The gift of nature

It’s a 5am Monday morning. In between the bouts of sleepiness and the awareness of people sharing the air plane space with you is a place you can create for yourself. Head phones in, meditation music on, and a wonderful reminder of the places that truly reached your soul.

I took the picture above at Pangong lake at the height of 14,000 feet on an early morning like today. Surrounded by tall peaks of the Himalayas, by the gently moving water of the lake that reflected the charm of the mountains, I saw a person meditate. No one else around. Just the two of us in our own space, not knowing each other’s stories or ever communicating, yet connecting on a very deep level by sharing that moment which will never return.

The presence of the world long forgotten so we could enjoy our own little worlds that stood side by side in a place people do not frequent.

With this picture, I urge you to find your little world in the crowds surrounding you. To find that happy moment that will tide you over early mornings and make every long day seem short.

Happy Monday from me to you.

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