Leopard sighting in India

Have you ever been on a safari with the hopes of seeing wild cats? If you have, you’ve perhaps heard that leopards are extremely elusive creatures. They are shy and enjoy strategic vantage points – those at a height so they can span the landscape.

With that being said, it’s obvious that the opportunity to spot leopards is one that I wouldn’t give up. And this wonderful idea is what took me to Bera village in the Jawaii region of Rajasthan. Yes, it sounds like a weird destination but it turns out this area is a natural habitat for leopards and a brilliant area for spotting the elusive wild cat as it isn’t overtaken by dense forests. More importantly, the people here are respectful of leopards calling it a blessed animal and hence have the culture of no hunting and revenge killing.

We got to Bera in the evening, checked into a heritage hotel and then began our first safari at ~6:30am next morning. The air was chilly, blowing directly into our faces on the open jeep as we climbed up hillocks to get the best view of the many caves that adorn the hills. These caves are where leopards usually rest for the night and leave their cubs. It was only around~9:30am when we saw the first leopard on a hillock not too far away, lazing in the sunlight and enjoying a quiet, sleepy morning.

Similar experiences continued, and we ended up seeing 3 leopards on the same day – 2 were adults, while one was a baby leopard of about ~4 months who frequently peaked out of the cave waiting for its mother to return for the evening so he could play outside. Bottom line? If you’re an animal lover, respectful of the laws of nature, and want to witness leopards there’s probably not a better place than Bera, Rajasthan. In fact, if you’re lucky you could get a late night sighting of the leopards on the ground as they return to their temporary homes in the caves (see picture that was taken on one such safari).

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, book a hotel/ camp/ lodge, and enjoy observing this absolutely stunning animal live its life in the glorious hills of Rajasthan.

PS: If you’re lucky, you can make a trip to Jawaii dam area and see some crocodiles and gorgeous birds adorning a phenomenally unique landscape as well

Oh, and these are my pictures so please ask before using them. They are not free for copying or using without permission.

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