The fall colours

Growing up, I’d always get really excited about autumn (or fall) in Delhi. Why? Because of the simple pleasures of jumping on a pile of dried yellow leaves that the gardener left behind under a tree – definitely one of the most exciting seasonal activities. Yes, we got dirty but that’s less of a consideration when your parents sent you outside to play at 5pm every day and wouldn’t call you back till the sun had set and you could no longer see the cricket ball despite the street lights.

Fast forward a couple of decades (my god, i can’t believe I’m saying this) and I have a different concept of Fall in my head. This one isn’t as fun physically, but is still an experience. Fall in the US means colours – the reds, maroons, yellows, shades of green, and everything else in between. I wish that I could do a before and after comparison of how this season has changed for me. But instead, I’ll just tell you that as much as I miss the autumn of my childhood, I also cherish the colours of nature I witness in the US as an adult. So, here’s a picture taken at an arboretum one fine autumn evening with the hopes that it will remind you of some sweet memory even if your childhood autumn looked very different.

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