Curfew Sparked Memories

Everywhere I look, there is illness and suffering. No, I am not looking through coloured glasses but instead speaking of the ongoing health crisis in India and in my city of Delhi. Hundreds of thousands of people are being diagnosed with Covid and the symptoms, the demographic etc. is all changing as the strains mutate. We are at war – fighting against an unknown entity. But this post isn’t about the sadness that surrounds me, but about the moments that help us survive such ordeals. Between the constant phone calls of friends and acquaintances asking for help and the constant dialling of phones so we can check up on our friends who are also suffering from this horrendous virus, there are some moments of peace that sneak in.

As I stare our of the window, I have fresh perspective. Something I would never think is beautiful before now has meaning. Similarly, during the ongoing curfews in the city and the self-imposed quarantine, I have found a deeper level of gratitude and appreciation for the simple things in life, and also a multitude of experiences that perhaps would not be part of my life were it not for the situation at hand.

I have felt peace that comes from being home with my parents with no social obligations or agenda, and warmth of the Indian summer rays streaming through the windows while the shade of walls and trees keeps us cool. I have felt the luxury of having time to truly be present over the past few days. The curfew over the weekend also provided an opportunity to relive some childhood moments – unplanned, of course. I ventured out for a bike ride around the colony given that we are unable to go anywhere else (uhm cabin fever) and sweet memories of cycling around the neighbourhood with friends on similar summer afternoons were palpable again. We spent the evening sitting on the porch with standing fans blowing the pleasant evening breeze (and also chasing the hoard of mosquitos attempting silent attacks) just like the time we spent on the terrace every summer evening when I was a kid. The weekend also brought a windy summer storm and with it flooded back a million memories of the cooling summer rains of North India. Unfortunately it didn’t rain enough for me to make paper boats like I did previously, but the storm still brought me some joy.

Yes, the country is at war with a deadly virus and even in the midst of it there are some moments worth cherishing, if only one is willing to experience and appreciate. If you can, please just stay home and find the moments of joy and contentment with what you have at hand. The country needs you to be safe and to keep others safe right now. It’s hard, I know, but not as hard as what others around us are going through.

PS: I realize that many are suffering and do not have these luxuries and am wholeheartedly praying for them. This post is in no way meant to minimize the pain but to encourage those who are able to stay indoors to stay home and use this time in a way that isn’t possible under normal circumstances

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